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Retro Yerba Buena Join/Renew
You can download a membership form, print it, fill it out, and mail it with your check by clicking here.
Retro Yerba Buena Join/Renew
You can download a membership form, print it, fill it out, and mail it with your check by clicking here.
New-Fangled Electronic Yerba Buena Join/Renew
You can fill out an on-line form and pay your dues through PayPal by clicking here.  You can pay with your PayPal account or a credit card.
Download the Form
Join Yerba Buena or Renew Your Membership
Use the buttons below to join the club or renew your membership.
Join the San Francisco Bay Area Chapter of the largest antique motorcycle club of North America, for enthusiasts of old motorcycles of all types.  We hold monthly meetings and have many rides and events planned for the coming year.
You must be a member of the Antique Motorcycle Club of America (AMCA) to join any of the local chapters, which gives you the benefits of the National club (with its excellent magazine), as well as our local events, rides, group emailing, knowledge sharing and website.
Due to rising costs, yearly dues for our chapter have increased by $5 (first increase in 23 years!).  One additional household member can still be added for the low, low price of $5.
Annual dues: Single member $25, Household membership $30             Not a member of AMCA?  Click here to Join the National AMCA!
YB membership 2025.pdf
Go to the On-Line Form
Use the buttons below.  You shouldn’t have problems, but if you do, read the directions on the right.
Online Membership Form